Call Tracking — Real Time Call Analysis
Single Location, Multiple Vanity 800 Numbers
These charts and graphs present instant analysis of multiple Vanity 800 Numbers and their call results. For this example, we show a car dealership tracking multiple vanity numbers ringing to one location. Because car dealers advertise in multiple ad-mediums with such intensity in a 30-day period, it is crucial for them to know how much it costs them to develop each new lead.
They are able to assign a cost-per-ad for each specific number, thereby returning that ad’s ROI per-lead. Please click one of the thumbnails below to view a sample, full-size representation, of a few of our Call Tracking reports:
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Number and Feature Summary
The Number and Feature Summary shows all Campaigns, their assigned toll-free number, and the Car Leads ROI Tracking and Lead Notification Features applied to that specific Campaign and number during the date-range selected.
Total Leads by Ad Source
Report shows a summary of all calls from ads run during the time period selected, number of leads received from each ad, and that specific ads response percentage measured against the total of all calls made to all numbers selected in the Control Panel.
Average Call Duration
This Report shows a summary of the Average Call Duration in Minutes, of all Ad Response Calls, during the time period selected in the Control Panel.